Diversity, Outreach & Development Committee
Diversity, Outreach & Development Committee
Co-Chairs: Shirley Aldana and Ruby Guillen
Making the World a Better Place, One Day at a Time
The Diversity, Outreach & Development (“DOD”) Committee focuses its efforts on:
Ensuring that CSWA’s programs, policies, practices, and culture reflect the NASW Code of Ethics with an emphasis on proactive, concrete measures to enhance inclusivity, accessibility, diversity, equity, and justice
Promoting and enhancing external relationships through outreach to the broader social work community using traditional, contemporary and innovative means of communication and engagement including, but not limited to, social media and digital technologies
Setting fundraising and development goals, including identifying, developing and implementing CSWA fundraising strategies, identifying and submitting grant funding applications, as well as engaging and following up with new and existing donors, contributors, supporters, and stakeholders
Consistent with endowment planning within the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, the CSWA endowment is designed to grow and maintain an independent, self-sustaining fund to ensure the ongoing efforts of the organization. The Committee is chaired by CSWA board member(s) who work collaboratively with a designated representative of the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Advancement Office. The Committee includes the Advancement representative, CSWA board members, fellows, interns, and others as appointed by the President and provides regular status reports to the Board. The Development Committee shall work closely with the Program & Events Committee and the Hall of Distinction Committees to identify additional special events held to increase fundraising efforts. All board members are expected to actively support the efforts/activities of the Diversity, Outreach & Development Committee.
2023 Spring Appeal
Thank you to all of our donors who mailed in donations to our 2023 appeal! Your contributions have continued to afford us the means of fulfilling our mission of preserving social welfare history and recognizing Social Work contributors state-wide!
A selection of video giving a brief about CSWA