Chauncey Alexander
Inducted 2006
Architect of social work professional standards -
Salvador E. Alvarez
Inducted 2019
Dedicated to social justice for immigrants and farm workers -
Richard Masato Aoki
Inducted 2011
Dedicated to human rights and dignity -
Bernice Augenbraun
Inducted 2004
Respected clinician, teacher and advocate for social justice -
Sandra Baker
Inducted 2015
Innovator in child sexual abuse identification and treatment -
Dana Bartlett
Inducted 2005
Champion of the working class and urban living visionary -
Bob Benedetto
Inducted 2003
Dedicated his life to serving others -
Gary Bess
Inducted 2021
Dedicated and influential figure in California's social work arena -
Shirley J. Better
Inducted 2020
Author, university professor and co-founder of the National Association of Black Social Workers -
Janet E. Black
Inducted 2016
Shaper of social work education -
Helen Boardman
Inducted 2012
Pioneer in child abuse identification and intervention -
Emory Bogardus
Inducted 2002
Formulated theory of social distance out of his interest in racial relations -
Peter A. Breen
Inducted 2019
Tireless advocate for disadvantaged children and their families -
Thomas Brigham
Inducted 2003
International leader and crusader for human dignity -
Zdenka Buben
Inducted 2002
Pioneer in public health social work and in the development of professional standards -
Marsena Buck
Inducted 2005
Leader, advocate and inspirational speaker -
Gardner Bullis
Inducted 2002
Significantly contributed to the field and profession of social welfare as a private citizen -
Howard H. Carey
Inducted 2016
Exemplary builder of health and human care programs -
Genevieve Carter
Inducted 2003
Inspirational work with elders and the aging process -
Diana Ming Chan
Inducted 2007
Innovative voice for multigenerational populations -
Sai-Ling Chan-Sew
Inducted 2013
Strong advocate for underserved children with behavioral health issues and innovative developer culturally-appropriate programs -
Milton Chernin
Inducted 2002
Exemplary role model for blending academic, government and community work -
Martha Chickering
Inducted 2003
Respected advocate for the importance of social work accreditation -
Chia-Chia Chien
Inducted 2021
Dedicated champion of culturally inclusive mental health care and community empowerment -
Norris Class
Inducted 2002
Championed child welfare regulations and protective services through licensing -
Tessie A. Cleveland
Inducted 2010
Inspirational leader devoted to the needs of underserved populations -
Wilfred D. "Bill" Coggins
Inducted 2018
Exceptional leader and practitioner in counseling and educational services -
Nathan E. Cohen
Inducted 2008
Revered leader bringing people together for productive action -
Teresa DeCrescenzo
Inducted 2012
Committed to securing basic rights plus fair and equal access to services for the LGBTQ community -
Benjamin Cuellar
Inducted 2019
A leader in organizational collaboration -
Ronald V. Dellums
Inducted 2011
Committed to advancing social welfare through political leadership -
Doreen Der-McLeod
Inducted 2017
Model-establishing leader in elder health care center program management -
L. Georgi DiStefano
Inducted 2014
Pioneer in social work practice in the field of addiction -
Ismael Dieppa
Inducted 2013
Social work education leader and staunch advocate for underserved populations and Latino civil rights -
Simon Dominguez
Inducted 2007
Passionate Latino community leader -
Ellen Dunbar
Inducted 2015
NASW and CalSWEC Leader who Shaped Practice, Policy, and Education to Improve Social Work in Rural Communities -
Frances Lomas Feldman
Inducted 2005
Al Feldman
Inducted 2003
Established strong foundation for mental health and community organization practice as well as gerontology education -
Manuel F. Fimbres
Inducted 2009
Inspirational leader focused on social justice for everyone -
Marilyn L. Flynn
Inducted 2014
Transformational leader and strategic visionary for social work education, government and nonprofits -
Richard D. Ford
Inducted 2007
Respected social worker, educator, minister and university administrator -
Walter Friedlander
Inducted 2003
Influenced international nature of social reform -
Herman Gallegos
Inducted 2011
A pioneer and leader in civil rights and philanthropy -
Jewelle Taylor Gibbs
Induced 2019
A teacher, author, advocate, and activist addressing race relations -
Jeanne M. Giovannoni
Inducted 2010
Highly regarded scholar, educator and child welfare advocate -
Bart Grossman
Inducted 2021
Visionary leader and educator in social work -
Maurice Hamovitch
Inducted 2008
Valued advocate for social research and policy -
Dr. Bernice Catherine Harper
Inducted 2017
Clinician, educator, and researcher who transformed social work and hospice and palliative care -
Elsie Herman
Inducted 2004
Pioneer social worker and dedicated educator and mentor -
Virginia Rondero Hernandez
Inducted 2021
Distinguished leader and trailblazer in social work, education, and research -
Nancy Humphreys
Inducted 2015
Transformational leader in social workers’ education, professional associations, and influence on policy -
Lillian L. Hyatt
Inducted 2007
Role model for elder care advocacy. -
Jilian Jimenez
Inducted 2020
Author and historical researcher in areas of social policy development, mental health, and Children Youth and Families -
Arlien Johnson
Inducted 2002
Advanced many causes and significantly influenced social work education -
Myldred Jones
Inducted 2005
Humanitarian service for troubled youth and the military -
Terry Jones
Inducted 2015
Champion for social diversity and justice committed to educating and serving the underrepresented -
Jeff Jue
Inducted 2009
Compassionate and dedicated humanitarian -
Celeste Strack Kaplan
Inducted 2012
Political activist child welfare advocate -
James Karls
Inducted 2008
Exemplary social work values and internationally recognized -
Ben J. Kelley
Inducted 2009
Passionate advocate for reform to better serve families -
Robert "Bob" Ketch
Inducted 2020
Executive Director of Five Acres, Residential & Community-Based Treatment -
Harry Kitano
Inducted 2003
One of the world's leading authorities on race and ethnic relations -
Rose Kleiner
Inducted 2004
Pioneer in serving the aging population and their families -
Kathleen (Kathy) Kubota
Inducted 2018
Child welfare advocate, program trailblazer and social work training innovator -
David Kuroda
Inducted 2016
Expert and educator in child custody mediation and collaborative divorce -
Jane Kurohara
Inducted 2016
Innovative field work educator and advocate for diversity -
Barbara Lee
Inducted 2013
State and national political leader and advocate for vulnerable and underserved populations in California -
Rebecca Alicia Lopez
Inducted 2017
Academic and community leader with extraordinary impact on Latino empowerment, social justice, and the profession -
Consuelo Lopez
Inducted 2012
Educator promoting the development of Latina social workers -
Anita J. Mackey
Inducted 2005
Leader in expanding veterans' services -
Joe Maldonado
Inducted 2002
Epitomizes the social worker in high levels of government services -
Biddy Mason
Inducted 2002
When freed, this ex-slave advanced the tradition of philanthropy and volunteerism -
Lilian Lida Matsumoto
Inducted 2021
Compassionate advocate and dedicated social worker -
Marie McNabola
Inducted 2008
Beloved contributor to the framework of the social work profession -
Margarita Mendez
Inducted 2003
Inspirational leader and advocate for social justice -
E. Jane Middleton
Inducted 2021
Tireless champion of social justice and an embodiment of social work principles -
James Midgley
Induced 2019
Visionary administrator and social work advocate -
Dorothy Miller
Inducted 2004
Native American activist and crusader for human dignity -
John G. Milner
Inducted 2010
Distinguished teacher with special expertise in child welfare -
Jim Yukihiro Miyano
Inducted 2010
Tireless advocate for the Asian-American community -
Marilyn Montenegro
Inducted 2014
Social Justice Advocate, Feminist, Prison Abolitionist -
Royal Morales
Inducted 2004
Beloved teacher, leader, activist and an inspiration to many -
Armando T. Morales
Inducted 2016
Trailblazing scholar, mental health services provider and community activist -
Kenji Murase
Inducted 2015
Committed to social justice, equality, and education and services for oppressed and marginalized communities -
Ken Kaoru Nakamura
Inducted 2017
Distinguished educator, practitioner, and intercultural bridge-builder who has promoted social change -
Ed Nathan
Inducted 2011
One of the nation's most innovative philanthropic grantmakers -
Barbara Needell
Inducted 2017
Innovator in improving child welfare system policy and practice with data-driven research -
George Nickel
Inducted 2002
Advanced resolution of social issues and improved social work professional standards from the private business world -
George Nishinaka
Inducted 2002
Demonstrated social work practice with diverse ethnic and low-income populations -
Alex J. Norman
Inducted 2014
Social work practitioner, professor and social justice advocate -
Helen E. Northen
Inducted 2008
Passionate contributor to social group work theory -
Mary O'Day
Inducted 2003
Pioneer in inspiring gerontological social work -
Janice Kay O'Donnell
Inducted 2011
Devoted to changing the face of social work in Northern California -
John Oliver
Inducted 2018
Leader in social work education, administration and social justice advocacy -
Benny Max Parrish
Inducted 2017
Selfless and staunch client advocate, ethical role model and legal pioneer -
Rino Patti
Inducted 2012
Social work research scholar and administrator -
Marianne Pennekamp
Inducted 2007
Inspirational promoter for children and family welfare -
Patricia Pickford
Inducted 2008
Influential supporter for Central Valley social services -
Helen Ramirez
Inducted 2014
Advocate for innovations in adoption and child welfare, particularly for minority families -
Lydia Rapoport
Inducted 2002
Created the widely-emulated model of preventive casework -
Kurt Reichert
Inducted 2008
Advocate for human rights and social justice -
Terrence J. Roberts
Inducted 2016
Social justice and civil rights advocate, author and consultant -
Elizabeth Robinson
Inducted 2003
Pioneer human services worker and trailblazer -
Effie Robinson
Inducted 2004
Dedicated human services worker and trailblazer -
Dolores I. Rodriguez
Inducted 2010
Innovator in social services for the Latino community -
Yasuko Sakamoto Kowalchuk
Inducted 2018
Role model in development and delivery of wide-ranging, high impact, culturally-sensitive programs -
Richard Salsgiver
Inducted 2015
Exceptional practitioner, educator, and advocate for disability awareness and rights -
Maria Sardinas
Inducted 2008
Renowned leader for adult mentally ill and patient rights -
Virginia Satir
Inducted 2003
Dedicated family therapist and compassionate humanist -
Charles Schottland
Inducted 2002
Influential administrator at all public sector levels who advanced considerable legislation, especially in adoptions -
Ann Shaw
Inducted 2012
Activist who challenged discrimination against women and broke down barriers for African American women in positions of authority in the boardroom -
June Simmons
Inducted 2018
Innovator and leader in health promotion and health care delivery programs for seniors -
Joe Solis
Inducted 2013
Pioneering field work consultant and beloved mentor to hundreds of Latino MSW students -
Faustina Solis
Inducted 2005
Outreach to the most disadvantaged -
Barbara J. Solomon
Inducted 2010
Leader in social work practice, research and education -
Harry Specht
Inducted 2003
Purposeful man with remarkable achievements -
Percy H. Steele Jr.
Inducted 2009
Driving force for civil rights paving the way for progress -
Tetsu Sugi
Inducted 2020
Aided the Japanese community devastated by internment camps, supported troubled youth, and developed housing for older Japanese Americans -
Diane Takvorian
Inducted 2018
Extraordinary macro social worker committed to advancing health policies and promoting environmental justice -
Fernando M. Torres-Gil
Inducted 2014
State and national leader in academic, professional and policy arenas in the field of aging -
Lorenzo Traylor
Inducted 2004
Inspirational leader and advocate for civil rights and justice -
Judith Wallerstein
Inducted 2013
Internationally recognized researcher, author and educator on the effects of divorce on children and families. -
Linda L. Wang
Induced 2019
Dedicated to serving the mentally ill and the homeless -
John Wax
Inducted 2007
Gifted theoretician, educator and staff trainer -
John M. Wedemeyer
Inducted 2010
Leader and advocate for community-based services. -
Monika White
Inducted 2020
Educator, researcher, author, and practitioner coordinating health, mental health, and community-based services for older adults and their families -
Kermit T. Wiltse
Inducted 2011
Grassroots scholar devoted to improving child welfare. -
Ernest Witte
Inducted 2005
Mastermind of California schools of social work -
Marleen Wong
Inducted 2020
Program developer of crisis and disaster training for school districts and law enforcement to address post-traumatic stress for traumatized children -
Janlee Wong
Inducted 2021
Passionate and tireless advocate for the social work profession -
Mary Workman
Inducted 2005
Activist for social reform and international peace -
Mariko Yamada
Inducted 2013
Distinguished leader in the State Assembly spearheading legislation for civil rights protection and improvements for vulnerable populations -
Kunitake Morgan Yamanaka
Inducted 2009
Vigilant role model for civil and constitutional rights -
Beverly Yip
Inducted 2008
Role model for Asian women everywhere -
Kris Perry
Inducted 2024
Marriage Equality Pioneer & Early Childhood Champion -
Alan Wong
Inducted 2024
Asian Community Services and Mental Health Expert -
Mark Courtney
Inducted 2024
Child Welfare Policy Scholar and Advocate -
Merris Obie
Inducted 2024
Native American Rights Specialist and Advocate -
Gustavo Rangel
Inducted 2024
Forensic Social Work Leader -
Dac Viet Vu
Inducted 2024
Immigration Rights Advocate & Diplomat -
Christina Wong
Inducted 2024
Mental Health and Program Policy Expert